the tower as feelings

You wont be surprised that way again. It can range from a sudden confession to romantic love to a betrayal or a collapse in affection altogether. Dont be afraid to make large decisions regarding your career. In some cases, The Tower can appear in a Tarot reading as a feeling to indicate that the person you're interested in will never have romantic feelings for you. In fact, if paired with the Strength Major Arcana card, then this may indicate that the querent needs to draw upon their inner guidance to help tackle the shifting external factors and problems. That could be just their interpretation and rationalization of you. Leave behind the issues and emotions that caused this to happen. With the thunder in the background and the smell of peppermint, its like being whisked away to a far away place! After a breakup, you could have reshaped their view on what theyre looking for in a relationship. 1 Although the worst point seems to be over, it acts as a catalyst for the series of changes and difficulties you still need to overcome. If you are single, the reversed tarot card could be a sign that you may slowly start to feel ready to start dating again. Perhaps youve been working at the same job for ten years. Make them much worse and feel them attacking you right in your heart. The Tower reversed is also a sign of building resentment. No, this is the end of your relationship, and your ex will not return. We are placed in different situations to learn from their experiences, so we will technically never make a wrong choice, just ones that we can learn from. They know things will change when you find out, things may get explosive, either your hopes and dreams, or a nightmare. The Tower card is associated with sudden and unexpected transformation which represents the more reckless and impulsive side of Aries. The Tower card usually represents a period of major change in our lives. If so, this person feels immense sexual attraction and desire for you. Positively, The Tower Tarot Card meaning is about changes that dismantle false beliefs and destroys the foundations of mistruths, illusions, lies, and unrealistic dreams. A conflict represented by the Tower card brings alongside it some emotional, physical, and spiritual drainages. If somethings amiss, it is their own doubts. In drawing the Tower for the outcome position, your mind may jump to the worst possible conclusion that there is. For singles and those in new relationships, the Tower reversed is a sign of feeling unwilling to make a big change right now. Dont be afraid to reform new beliefs and let go of the old. The collapses that come from The Tower appear out of nowhere. Though it may not be a big deal as a one-off, over time, these small things may turn into larger issues. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You are using an out of date browser. In affection tarot readings, the Tower urges you to pose yourself with a few essential inquiries about your connections and organizations. Ideal for readers who are just learning the interpretations. As feelings the Tower holds something that will change how you see this person. Listen to yourself and your intuition. The Tower shows the potential for fast transformation in relationships and feelings. The Tower can demonstrate the need to push your relationship forward. The lightning represents a sudden surge of energy and insight that leads to a break-through or revelation. Move on, and surrender to what needs to happen. Your ways of behaving and figured designs should change to draw a more honest and certifiable relationship into your life. It is purely up to how those involved in this conflict will react that will determine whether this situation ends amicably or badly. TWICE. The imagery on this card is a typical scene of destruction and disruption. A dismantling of certain friendships, a renewal of old ones, realizations in a current friendshipall paving the way for new, healthier friendships in the future. If you are asking about an exs feelings about you, the Tower reversed means that they feel that they are going through a period of significant change and upheaval. Am I pregnant? The Tower often brings painful truth and change. Its those mental states and situations that, as soon as we withdraw our attention from them, they crumble like a house of cards. Thirdly, they can be invested in the past purely on the basis of interest or fascination. Strong bursts of emotion, particularly anger, help us identify the areas we are truly passionate about. Even still, we must accept it if we are to continue developing as a society. Theres also a possibility that your partner will spend time in jail, but this is not as likely as death or divorce. Even if they wish to, they cannot change the past. There may be a certain hesitancy in confronting how you really feel. Suddenly, you will find yourself watching as your universe crumbles to the ground. You may have heard of the phrase having it all crash down when referring to the Tower card, because it is the literal collapse of a tower that wasnt rooted firmly in the ground. 1.2 The Tower as intentions represents changes appearing in the outer world and often reflects deity-level changes. In a reading, it can indicate that disruption and conflict are coming your way. The Tower reversed certainly does not feel positive, but once you have broken out of the tower, this period of uncertainty will lead to a renewed sense of self. A reminder to think quickly and be adaptable to the changes that get thrown your way, the Tower card is a flashing sign telling you that things might not be what you think they are. However, often these situations that endure a Tower moment are close to our hearts, which is what makes them painful- and what makes them Tower moments. Things may not be perfect, but weve grown much stronger. Or has she really been freed? Neither does this person want to say no, because they do not want to face the change that a no might bring. The Towers significance in terms of money alludes to the need for transactional assurance. Instead, they would rather bury their head in the sand and hope it goes away. As captives in the Tower, they were relatively safe. Being able to learn from past relationships, freeing yourself from the same lessons and negative situations, and removing mindsets that impact your self-worth are important aspects that the Tower reversed encourages the querent to act upon. Assess what you desire out of your career, assess your skills, and research what kind of career suits these aspects. About us. This can be a very difficult time, but it's important to remember that things will eventually get better. The Tower can indicate that although you do not achieve that goal, you will achieve something else instead, and in the end this achievement satisfies what your intentions really were. The old may be comfortable, but the new is certainly better for you emotionally. It signifies some sort of mental block. All the leaning towers have fallen. 7 Of Wands & The World As Feelings The combination of the 7 of Wands and the World suggests that you are feeling like you are on top of the world. In most non-dangerous and non-legal situations, we realize that no one is barring us from making our own decisions. It speaks of emergencies and unforeseen disasters, the catastrophe brought on by a devastating storm, both literally and metaphorically. Whatever your partner reveals to you will change your relationship in a permanent way. The Towers advice is to brace yourself and be aware; a major change is coming your way. Revealing the painful truth about a situation is one of the aspects of the Tower, and it can also, vice versa, refer to them wanting to investigate you. If they have romantic feelings for you now, they will not have them in the future. Strap on your seatbelt, because your Tarot cards predict youre in for a bumpy ride! A Tower-like situation always arrives when you least expect it. A volcano is one of the most violent forces on Earth. Because the Tower lies beyond good and evil, beyond this polarity, and that is also why its so hard to interpret. You should move on and find someone who bends over backward to worship you. The aim here is to ask yourself what you really desire when you think about that goal or dream. Whatever your emotions, they come with a large amount of surprise and sometimes disbelief. It is a surprising turn away from the conflict, and forces us to assess what really matters to us. The situation will likely change once this person allows themselves to truly feel what is going on inside, but this will only happen when the time is right. Place yourself out there and see what happens. A place created for free-spirited minds where you can take a deep dive into the inspiring world of crystals, tarot, meditation and self-improvement. These combinations can give us further insight into the meaning of the Tower card when it comes to feelings. This destruction will not be something you expected. In this case, you might even be unwilling to communicate with yourself and your intuition. The Tower as Feelings for Someone Unsubscribe at any time. Contact us. I am a participant in Amazons affiliate program. There is certainly harm caused here, regardless of whether the other persons intentions were harmful or not, because it results in you being brought down, or falling down, from where you originally were. Exiting the Tower means entering uncharted territory where nothing is certain, like leaving the family home for the first time. The divine realm knows which lessons need to be learned. Mars brings an energy of anger and action. There will inevitably be a disagreement over labor. Every end brings a fresh start. The Towers gate is nowhere to be seen on the card. Go watch a movie at the actual cinemas, attend an art exhibition, or grab a friend and have a chat and a snack. Your incorrect assumptions will be disproved, and youll see that your connection is becoming stronger, more defined, and happier. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. There is no wrong answer. It is not a slow-paced energy, and so the Tower card similarly indicates a swift, abrupt change that will certainly bring disruption, but ultimately for the growth of the querent. Why would the deck use the Tower card, reversed or upright, to convey this one? It can be a sudden uprising of anger, or even an unexpected rush of feelings for a person whom you never thought to be your type. If you ask how someone feels for you, the Tower can indicate that the person in question is shocked or dumbfounded. Once all is lost in this way, you will need to work hard to rebuild your life. Not all friendships represented by the Tower card are lost causes. They care about you and they want to nourish you with guidance. The lightning strike that turns night into day is sudden enlightenment. However, no matter how much they refuse to adapt, change is comingin a big way. You can see more love and relationship Tarot meanings on this website. You cant change how this person reacts, but you can choose how you will react to change. The feelings that arise as the Tower are ones of extreme intensity, best described as a strong burst of emotion that comes out of nowhere. It is important to remember that we always have a choice, and we can choose to break free from a situation if we want to. Perhaps you have or will go through a time when your attitude and actions will come as a shock to others? Fantastic page I would say, Death Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! I would not interpret The Tower as a card that represents pregnancy and conception, even if pregnancy is something you dont want. And when we feel powerful bursts of positive inspiration, we can create art that truly moves us. Even if there is no hope for return, this card signifies the end of a cycle and the time to move onto newer situations. Their unpredictability only adds to the shock. The reversed Tower is not a positive energy to be in. Do not struggle, rather try to ride the wave. They are not very happy about this type of disruptive change. Reversed, the Tower may be advising you to take initiative in challenging your own mindset and beliefs. This card contains a warning that the friendship will end in ruins if you remain unwilling to address how it can move forward. They will crumble and cause suffering and commotion. If the Tower card comes up in relation to a specific person in our lives, it often indicates that the relationship is going through a rough patch. Suppose a connection has been shaky or upset by disavowal. Their feelings are not what you expect. Reversed, The Tower card urges you to release past experiences regarding your question and outcome. They will unlikely be able to accept change in the external if the internal is blind to the truth of a situation. Although Aries and the Tower can represent unwise or careless decisions, you can face the results and come out the other side stronger than you went in. You could believe that doing this would save you from additional suffering, but it will keep you from finding the love you have always wanted. Ive recently started working with an online psychic reading company and Ive received some great feedback. Tired of being confused and NOT understanding your tarot cards? They become so intense that your heart breaks and you die. Though it may be uncomfortable, it will prevent bigger problems down the line. It makes you wiser and develops your perspective on life that you have been lacking. The Tower stands for transformation in its most extreme and significant form. The Tower itself is a solid structure, but because it has been built on shaky foundations, it only takes one bolt of lightning to bring it down. Know that difficult circumstances will pass and bring something better. With the Tower not being the most stable or reliable of cards, the person that it represents can be quite impulsive. The Tower as Feelings . The Tower means they are now trying to figure things out for themselves, not necessarily wanting to get back together with you. Look deeper- not everything is as it seems. Its time for you to become more independent, so dont see this as a dramatic or dismal shift. One most common example of this is having to endure a spiritual awakening, which also brings on a slew of physical impacts, such as headaches, moodiness, or shifts in sleeping patterns. The Tower experience comes like a flash of lightning to topple the hierarchy of the old order, after which everyone can have a fresh start on a more equal footing. Awesome. The Tower sits on top of a jagged mountain. In this blog post, well zoom in on the meaning of the Tower tarot card and how it relates to emotions and feelings. A life-changing and unexpected moment when we realize that nothing will be the same ever again, the Tower challenges our intellect and our belief systems and ejects us out of our comfort zones. Understanding the meaning of each and every tarot card card be quite a challenge! The Tower can symbolize the untimely death of your partner. The Tower card shows a person filled with energy, full of unpredictability, and very intriguing. Vekke Sind, The Fool Tarot Card Meanings, A Complete Guide! Although this often makes them reliable and organized, they lack the passion or courage to rebel against social stereotyping or discrimination. It can represent that the way you feel will undergo a drastic earthshaking change. They cannot help it and get vertigo when they think of you! Do they suddenly seem empty when exposed to the light of truth? The Tower Reversed Meaning The Tower card reversed suggests that the drama is over. Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher and creator of Divinerism. Though you may be transformative in your intensity, this person is scared and not currently receptive. Though it may hurt at first, it is better to know sooner than later. It is of course completely acceptable to feel pain, frustration, or grief, but the advice that the Tower gives is to concentrate on rebuilding what you lost. Similarly, reversed, it does not necessarily refer to a yes. It could come like a change in a relationship, which up until now has offered security and comfort but is void of any passion or happiness. The Tower card in feelings does not always indicate a catastrophic occurrence, such as a catastrophe or a significant loss. LMFAO. Here's how you know you're meeting your twin flame: 1) Huge changes are happening in your life that don't make sense. The Tower may indicate that youve had a significant effect on their life. The Tower reversed as feelings indicate that the person you are enquiring about feels like they are going through a time of major change and turmoil. The Tower as Feelings It can also indicate a sudden feeling for someone that you never thought you would have. Alternatively, this card can refer to your personal situation. Then, perhaps, well get one step closer to the truth and prepare to find our place in the world under the guidance of the Star. The Emperor As A Person: Upright & Reversed, The Magician As A Person: Upright & Reversed, The Empress as a Person: Upright & Reversed, The Hierophant As A Person: Upright & Reversed, The Devil as Feelings in Love & Relationships, Three of Wands as Feelings in Love & Relationships, Two of Wands as Feelings in Love & Relationships, The World As A Person: Upright & Reversed. Although The Tower is up there with one of the worst cards you can pull, theres always hope for a better tomorrow. Reversed, the Tower card can indicate that this significant change lies in the internal mindset or belief system, transforming and questioning inner beliefs. This particular work environment may be old-fashioned, which is not a negative aspect at all, but turns disadvantageous when technology is not being used as needed, or when necessary alterations to an environment or product are ignored. The Tower sits on top of a jagged mountain. It is there to guarantee you that assuming you decide to shed yourself of your defective convictions; you will encounter inward opportunity. Although you may go through extremely trying times, know that they will pass and eventually bring something better. Some situations are better left in the past to learn from in the present. Your take no shit attitude will work in your favor. You cannot always tell if the Tower creates a positive or negative impression on ones mind, especially when that pertains to the impact you have in their life. Your actions and your way of perceiving the world may have caused them to start questioning their own and see themselves in a new light. Now, the world changes all around them. That could be a woman coming into a man's life who is so genuinely loving and good that it completely blows apart his cynicism about women. Illumination You hear a voice that says with great authority, "Only the dead survive." This person feels that change is being forced upon them unwillingly. It also has a timer so that I doesnt run dry. But what these internal mindsets do is hold you back from releasing the past. Otherwise, you may feel as if you have no way out of a conflict, or even an internal one. About us. We become caught up in denial and stubbornness, unaware of the unnecessary harm, invalidation, and dissatisfaction we are causing for others. Ultimately, that is a sign to stop waiting for the Universe to fulfill your dreams. They might think you are trapped in your thoughts and beliefs, that you are afraid to push your limits. The Tower will be pulled by people who put all of their finances into their business and lose everything. This is a person who tends to be overly critical of themselves, worrying over past situations where they feel they could have performed better. They are not a shallow personality by all means. Are you curious to know if theres a chance of reconciliation? I love my Asakuki Diffuser, I have this going in my living room or my office with either peppermint or lavender. Tower as Feelings in Love & Relationships (Upright & Reversed) By Sibyl Tarot The Tower is the card of transformative change, revelation, and awakening. Here, we must reverse the cards logic. And in the ruins of these delusions, you might find your purpose, your desire, and your true will. Other people might perceive you to be someone who cant seem to let go of the past, remaining in unhealthy situations that will only serve no good. You may suddenly and without warning develop feelings for someone you never thought you would feel for. This person does not want to say yes to monumental change. In this article, youll find a variety of interpretations on the Tower card and what it can represent. Is this relationship going to last? As this will affect your mind above all else, be like the eye in the center of the storm, and you can turn the tide to your advantage. If you are asking about an old flame or an exs feelings about you, the Tower indicates that your ex feels fundamentally changed by your relationship. Heard the tower could signify explosive sex, or extreme lust, intense emotions. Everything will fall apart. We build these imaginary walls to protect ourselves, we become nervous because we seek solutions But perhaps we try to solve imaginary problems. I didnt have my tarot deck so I just pulled on this twitter post that had a gif of all the major arcana, and got the tower TWICE. Her divination book, The Modern Oracle, was published in 2021. All rights reserved. Born into a Romany Gypsy family of fortune tellers, Lisa has always had a passion for psychic development and related subjects. This increased awareness is an immediate consequence of new correspondence channels with the higher brain or heavenly soul. This past situation could have impacted the querent negatively and possibly even leave them with unaddressed trauma. This can either be a new relationship, a new job or moving to a new location. Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. All rights reserved. Avoid stating anything that might be offensive to others. 9 Of Wands As Feelings When it comes to feelings, or how someone feels about you, the 9 of Wands is a tarot card that often suggests that someone has a lot of respect for you. Title: I've Got a Feeling I'm Falling Label: Sounds of Yesteryear Product Type: COMPACT DISCS For the brief time she chose to work in show business, Hanshaw was the best of the best. Two people leap from the windows, headfirst. This process, unlike the upright, does not have to be sudden or fast-paced. Follow your heart and intuition to know exactly what next step is the right one for you. Contents of website is Spirituality Media & Lisa Boswell (2022) not to be reproduced without permission. The Tower holds a lot of drama. Grab your copy here. It may be either a physical or mental barrier. When this occurs, we unconsciously, habitually, or deliberately attempt to limit others in their success. Even a harmful mindset, such as thinking that you dont deserve love, or lowering your standards just to get into a relationship for the sake of having one, is a habit of our minds that becomes more and more familiar to us. The Tower card usually represents a period of major change in our lives which can lead to feeling out of control. Even more explicitly, the Tower could refer to actual constructed towers, such as the Eiffel Tower or even the Big Ben. that all really makes sense. This is a feeling of stagnancy, which is stopping both parties from personal growth and future abundance. It feels like quite a tumultuous time; with everything you thought to be true having been proved false, with one tragedy after another, with one event perhaps bleeding into other areas of your life. Facing your inner demons and mindsets is a harrowing task. What are the signs that you will soon meet your twin flame for the first time? The Tower tarot card kind of pushes you there, against your wishes, by getting rid of all the things you think you need; which ultimately were only a distraction. The Tower dominates the landscape from its perch atop a craggy peak. The Tower can also be a sign that we need to take some time for ourselves and rest, relax and recharge. A negative Tower event can be akin to a bomb going off in your life. Bankruptcy, divorce, infidelity in love, death, and serious illnesses are frequent Tower events. They keep you in your comfort zone, never encouraging you to push yourself toward reaching new goals. Which of them are true and helpful, and which are mere illusions that limit you? They think you are volatile and passionate. This person may like to remain in control of the present situation. Click here to find out more and purchase your Soulmate Sketch today. Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. This card is an uncommon card to pop up as a place, but if it does, it can symbolize a place that you have old emotional attachments to. In the end, theyve caused more harm than good. Their view about you might have suddenly changed. ; s important to remember that things will eventually get better evil, beyond this polarity, and surrender what... And organizations good and evil, beyond this polarity, and your intuition they have romantic for. May go through a time when your attitude and actions will come as a shock to others reversed meaning Tower! The need for transactional assurance and possibly even leave them with unaddressed trauma visitors. End of your relationship in a permanent way own doubts the Towers advice is ask! Lifestyle, not just an occasional practice purely on the basis of interest or fascination those involved this! 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