He was barking the whole time and immediately started growling at my dad when we walked past his pen. A well bred doberman (which clearly 99% of you have no clue what that is) will be way healthier than an albino. Research your breeder! She sees the vet for her yearly stuff. When the very first white Dobermans were discovered due to a mutation, they would breed brother and sister white Dobermans together to make more white Dobermans. Comic . You clearly mistook the information in the article that they are sick animals and shouldnt be bred. Also do research on white tigers, golden tabby tigers, and stripeless, white tigers, as well as Siamese cats and Himalayan rabbits, while youre at it. i did some research and the original dam did have a white and the male pup (yes male) was breed with sis litter mates to keep getting the white color. I cant take him anywhere without people asking if hes a show dog. The point that the author was making was that they are partially albino and albinism comes with health problems. You people are freaking impaired if you think breeding a white/partial albino Doberman isnt a terrible act. Hes also had three skin cancer spots removed as well one from each lower eyelid, and one from his elbow. Please learn proper grammar. Thank you for your support I hope you can answer. They are beautiful dogs and behave just as well as any other dobe. This is proved by a book written back in 1929 and one in 1939 by two different authorities on the breed. Doberman Pinschers have a higher energy level than other dog breeds. The population of white tigers is also too small and probably somewhat inbred to realistically test this theory. Its been years but Id love to have one again. Do not attempt to make it yourself! She would come and take my hand gently and lead me to him if he was wet or had soiled his diaper. In horses, theres something called partial albinism. The puppies are black and brown except for a blue one and a red/rust ones. The goal in breeding is to better each individual breed. Both my Black/rust girl, Phoenix and Steele get a fleece lined coat in the Winter. So get that idea out your head and just research the dog you get before you get it or ask ur local vet. Do you know the health issues and aggression that can come without spaying or neutering? Read all you can about dog behaviour to understand things from their point of view. Has anyone experienced the skin issues? The vet told me the breeders usually put the white puppies to sleep and any animal lover would not do such a thing. Dobermans have a specific temperament that was bred to protect their owners they are also very well tempered around children and people. i want to know what i can do to make his time better when he has to be alone. Hello to all, my family and myself have bred and raised Dobermans for over 40 years. She bathed the dog in it and used in spray bottle as insect deterrent. A lot of people dont realize, a certain amount of in-breeding is done all the time, with every breed of dog (or cat, horse, cow, etc) when producing and bettering a specified BREED. The medical condition is a specific need as stated and I feel the two breeds are a good mix in temperament Wiems have keen senses and good temperament around kids and people these dogs were bred to stay close to their owners when hunting, they are good breeds that were bred to be in the house as well as accompany their owners outside hunting they are a royal working dog class. I think the people on here telling others that breeding a dog for a look is bad should really stop and think about what theyre saying. She has never had puppies despite constant companionship from a male who isnt fixed. Orginal and natural skin is brown due to melanin which attracts the sun and creates vitamin d and makes us stronger. Just sayin. Well we got a Red Male from her and hes been amazing for the last 10 1/2 years. I want my future Doberman to have the best foundation of development and training, something that I fear I will not be able to provide myself. I believe those batteries that have been discovered from days of old, using vinegar, were possibly used for making colloidal silver! Just adopted a red/Rust 20 month old male and would like another Dobbie. If anyone is a breeder of Dobermans please reply with some info or things i would need to know first!! All-black Dobermans are rarely seen but do exist. I have a great breeder in Camp Verde, AZ. People would come a far away to get one of her dogs. A Black and Rust pedigree Doberman Pinscher has the same chance of being a carrier of poor, breed-specific, genes as the White. Dont worry, there isnt any problem with this. Knock on wood no problems for him. lol. https://www.sfspca.org/adoptions/pet-details/41201970. my first time breeding a dobe i got black, red, fawn, white and cream. Her eyes are a little sensitive to bright light until they adjust. Good morning. please dont make more problems than the breed already has ! The evolution of dogs is extremely rapid and at the descretion of their human counterparts. Now we are waiting for a Holter Test appointment. In a survey on this website, we asked visitors which color was their favorite. Educate yourself, you freaking twelve-year-olds. Most of the diseases and illnesses recorded in white dobes are nearly constant in other breeds of dogs, regardless of coloration. Does that NOT send a red flag right there? only bred to look americanized for the show.. And nothing like what they wer origanly bred for. The people at the shelter wanted her to adopt him, but they couldnt because he needed to go to a female only home. Against all wisdom we have a puppy at hand. Pit bulls are amazing at guarding homes, mostly children, and they were bred to be nanny dogs.) How fawns and the albinos are getting so popular idk because they are the ones with all the health problems. Perhaps through pain or just lifes experiences have instilled, branded them deeply into your heart and spirit. Before I bought our current Red Male, the breeder asked what I was looking for, I said I was a little partial to a Red Male never having owned a Red before. CASH!! Both benign. My advice would be to first: find out if the pooch you might get has been registered as the dreaded WZ and if so RUN! The MESOSILVER brand is the only one I can recommend because it is the only one Ive ever used. All our worries were put to rest. As far as what information youve given, I believe there is no such thing as a bad dog but there is such thing as a bad owner. It is safer to put animals down in a shelter than to risk it 1. But not being willing to see there is a problem will not help at all. I have to say I actually own 4 white Dobes and 4 white factored Dobermans. i will also say that certain people shouldnt be allowed to breed either (like know it alls that are never happy with their own lives) but they do. It is very cruel to spay or neuter pets. Im considering getting a Dobie. She already had beautiful manners, we just added a calm environment and patience to her life, which made her the perfect companion for us. All domesticated animals including all dog breeds are a bit of an abomination or reconstruction of natural selection and I feel that we need to be wary of pontificating or judging the significant efforts of those who believe in breeding white Dobermans. I do have a serious issue with destroying White Doberman pups at birth. I have a beautiful,sweet WHITE dobie who will be five this year. Personally I work long shifts and what works for me is that I have two dobes to keep each other company. Ok, So my question is this- If I send my puppy to a very nice behavioral/ obedience/ training school, how well will my Doberman re-integrate into the household? Ear cropping is optional, however I like the appearance of the cut ears, it is illegal to cut the Dobermans ears in some European countries. Liberal, if someone wants a well bred full bred fog with a health history, family history Not legal there. Their healthy, extremely loved and they are both so attached to me. Potassium is the link between the brain and all the organs not just in dogs but in people as well. I am now 16) I can say that for some people, purebred dogs are better. NOT INBREEDING. We are 68 and 72 and are no longer up to raising a rambunctious pup. He got us to do what he wanted without our even realising it. Protection come automatic , you just have to learn to control it . But anyways, throughout his 14yrs I learned alot about genetics in Dobermans. To each his own on color, if it floats your boat and you love that guy or gal go for it. She has never had an issue in health her whole life. I have 2 dobes, black and red, and Isabella. There is NO KNOWN HEALTH ISSUES WITH ALL BLACK DOBERMANS they are just rare. White dobermans came from 1 dogI repeat1 dogwhos children were repeatedly bred back to her until more were produced. By far, my white girl is the healthiest of all of them, and has the thickest, most beautiful coat of all of them too. As far as going from a one person house to a family environment this is doable if the dog is socialized around children. Truly man & women best friend. I recently purchased a melanistic all black doberman from a reputable breeder and in conversation with her about the different colors of dobermans, she said that the cream ones are not albino at all. So smart and loves attention. At age 10 Emma had a severe stroke. With my present Doberman Ive never fed this leading brand. thankyou Anthony, we need to do whats best for the breed in the long term and Im pretty sure Mr. Louis Dobermann did not want the white dobermans entering the lineage. Although I have never personally owned a White Dobie, I have had the distinct honor of knowing four of them, very, very well. Think I can pass him off as a He just seems like an old soul with a great sense of humor and there are times when we all know that he is the one training us! At age 13, which is several years older than so many who die of SDS, he is looking quite good and still out running about a mile a day! The dogs in this are really beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! I must say I came to this site for help and I feel as though I have found out inevitably that my pup will have issues her whole life. Some people want purebred dogs from a RELIABLE source. My white Doberman is both death and blind but very sweet. Except its all our gene pool to share. Oh, wait ~ It must be your words put together in a sentence that are just stupid. Tammy Cuthbert. Be a RESPONSBLE pet owner if your love your fur baby. with that. Love your Doberman that was born white but make sure to protect it from the sun, its eyes, skin, etc. Im assuming the person who wrote this article never needs sunglasses! If you come across a White Dobie, dont hesitate to give him/her a forever home. Our red dobie that is 8 months nowheeats 3 meals a day. Also many lines actually carry the Z- factor gene . Sadly, after 6 beautiful months with our girl she died in my arms of a stroke. But it will be years down the road. I Had a red and Blond, I Loved this dog and Was the Smartest Dog I have ever had, I will Probably buy another registered Red and Blond , or I Might try a Black and tan this time either way this Dog will have a fantastic Life, Traveling and Being Spoiled!!! The good news is we have an article and some pictures about what you're looking for. It is difficult to analyse why the Caucasian colour originated in humans presumably because melanistic colouration was not particularly needed in the Northern Hemisphere of our planet. If your white Doberman really doesnt have any health or behavioral issues then you are EXTREMELY lucky, for Ive never once seen a white Doberman without at least one of the issues I mentioned before. Should I be concerned? He does things that make me laugh all of the time. Cleo.guarded the children from day one and would stop my wife from crossing any road diagonally it was 90 degrees or Cleo would lean on the pram or pushchair so my wife had to follow Cleos wishes! It Any advice? it seems like we should not make arguments to support our own particular interest . The thing about our Dobbi is we made the cardinal mistake of letting him think he was human, which made him a handful. We are not trying to replace Katie, that would not be possible. Its a fact that #45 is a crook. I recommend both of them and if your are close to either I can give you a contact person. Its obviously you dont know a damn thing about the breed do your research get a DNA test stop believing all the crap you see on the internet about white Dobermans none of it is true. At the time of her registration it was found that there was in fact 7 other AKC registered white dobes. 4) Pay better attention to grammar, spelling and typing skills. White Tigers are not albinos, and therefore do not suffer the genetic weaknesses common to albinos. This is natural. I use Innova Red Meat food for my dog and healthy ppl food and he is healthy as a horse. During spaying the vet discovered a heart murmur in Porsche. Article literally just said breeding white ones is inhumane. Dobies do demand your attention and companionship, but you cant find a more loyal dog anywhere. Im in N. Calif. Near Sacramento. Im getting the Blue and red ones. Females spayed at 12 months or younger, and both genders neutered or spayed at over 12 months had significantly increased odds of developing hemangiosarcoma, compared with intact dogs. The fawn Doberman, (sometimes called Isabella color or cinnamon) is a diluted red. Hey I do not breed dobermans but my neighbor does I have researched the breed to the highest of levels cause I could not understand y she was hoping for a blue or white Well we both share 7 acers and have one fence around the entire property I breed wolf hybrids been doing so since I moved she breeds dobies and her brother breeds pitbulls. It is microscopic silver particles in water. My mom is disabled as well with mobility issues. not the cause, no, but a symptom of a cause. She was rehomed due to biting a child in the family. They tried the Bulldogge (the original, not the chunky lil chap with respiratory problems that people are ga-ga over today); Too vicious: tore the poachers to shreds before they could hang them as an example. So sad. I have to sweep everyday, any help is would be appreciated. She has yet to find the perfect home for her Im sure its the fact that she really doesnt want to rehome her but really has no choice.. ok, not all white dobes are unhelthy. We rescued our white dobie. I have a male Isabella or fawn that has so much personality. For small dogs with internal infections I would use about 1/4 oz twice a day for 10 days, and up to 1/2 oz twice a day for 10 days. What about the thyroid condition that Dobes get? If not for their health, at least to cut down on all the poor pets that have to be put down every year in shelters. How much pain is tolerated so someone can have a cool looking dog? douchbag. Mom kept telling her she didnt like her. Humans as a species have not been around, in any influential way for very long. Breeding any dogs should be outlawed in my opinion the shelters are crowded with purebreds and mutts alike. It should help you out. Scared. Ive grown up with Dobermans all my life and I knew Sebastian would die of a broken heart if we didnt get a companion. If there are genetic problems in a particular line say, deafness or blindness then that could easily be mitigated by careful selective breeding. I agree that the albino is in her gene poolbut, she is NOT an albino. People who breed Albino dobermans only care about the money and not the breed, they sell them for more money saying they are rare. These Dobermans actually do have health probs there white coat shouldnt be exposed to sun I had a white dobee before. Its common knowledge that these white Dobermans tend to have health problems and behavioral issues. I am concerned that our rather flawed, poorly evidence-based opinions may rob us of the pleasure of some lovely animals. Wish the health on my Black/rust dogs over the years were as good as my Cream/white. Brace yerselves for it ALMOST ALL PUREBRED DOGS ARE THE PRODUCT OF INBREEDING! Thank u so much for your response. What are the health risks for a red pup from a red dad and albino mother? Youre a FUCKING BOZO!!!! ANOTHER THING! Responsible is the key word here. Our last shepherd Sebastian was so depressed he wouldnt eat and hid in the corner. And we have owned the famed Australian Cattle Cog whose intelligence is legendary. They just recognize them as normal dobermans and because they are so rare they thought/assumes they was from inbreeding like the albinos and fawns. The term Doberman and Doberman Pinscher refer to the same breed of dog. Writer, have you never seen a Chihuahua? Check it out! Congrats. Cause I promise not everyone loves your children. I am looking for a melanistic black dobe. In my opinion, not a good idea. Shelter dogs and puppy mill dogs are bred by irresponsible assholes and greedy bastards. Im currently in contact with a man in West Virginia who listed his 5 year old dobe on Craigslist for free.. If you need more information about 55+ Doberman Haversham Purebred, you can check the following LINK . However, she is overly friendly with EVERYONE and very healthy. So there you have it! This is where we are today. My white is now 6 months old and I couldnt be happier with her in all regards. I do believe that they do have a soft stomach . My black & rust male Doberman is wonderful. I took four semesters in genetic based studies just for shiggles; this stuff is easy to understand if you just READ. Heartbroken, and beginning the search for another. Personally Im o.k. He got all the best traits of each breed but especially the goofy tendencies Dobies can have. Until scientific research is done to prove they are albinoid, you all have no right to bicker like children about a dog. To the person who spreads semi thought out racist comments you are comparing white Dobermans to insecure white people concluding with white people are unhealthy because of their skin being pale.Specifically that white people suffer from osteoporosis because they cannot go in the sun. But I will say that i have never spent so much money on vet bills on any dog Ive ever owned in my life. He cannot wait to run down stair to greet us when any of us come home, and its delightful to see his gentle loving nature knowing exactly where our three year old granddaughters face will be when she opens the door, so he can give her a little kiss of acknowledgement on the cheek. Additional advice to the owners. Whites live longer and have less health issues because breeders have to breed them for health and think about what they are doing. The problem happens when inexperienced people dont invest in the tests that are necessary to find out which individuals gene pool, either should or should not be crossed, with another. Such a pity the US still allows this irresponsible practice. Ill introduce myself and more than one different color Doberman. Theres a good reason that AKC registers white and white factor Dobermans with the letter Z in the registration number. Dogs should look something like a wolf, a dingo, or a fox if they had not been reconfigured by humans. Either due to crafty paper work practices or AKC slip ups . I resently found a Doberman pup for a friend a little red bitch. It takes two copies of the gene to be an albino. Lay blame where blame belongs, the people who dont spay, neglect, and/or abuse animals. She was a faded Isabella, very pale tan. this makes sence, but i also have to work for a living. I own a blue doberman. Spell checked by my mutt and pure bred who ran it by the goldfish. How is Duke? Well said! I breed Dobermans. Also we treat infections with MESOSILVER. We had already fell in love with her, and she is a part of our family so we of course began treatment. I know white dobermann breeders in France they are on FB, Dobermann blanc de France et Les Diamants de la nuit, Not only is the white Doberman not albino, but ALL health problems that have been found in white dobermans can be found in other colors as well except for skin sensitivity which is found in all short haired white dogs. He loves the nieghborhood kids and all of the visitors that come into the house but he is always on guard when strangers come around. Give your head a shake. I bet half of you owners with healthy white Dobies havent seen been to a vet more than three times with that dog. Agree! I own a white Dobie and shes the best dog I have ever had. Because it has poor vision, the dog may be unsure of its surroundings. Any of my sickly pooches see the vet often and my healthy ones visit the vet twice a year for check ups and boosters. We are in touch with rescues, petfinder and have advertised. You, however, do sound very stupid and childish by 1. Don't forget to save . Have you ever seen a female dog get cervical cancer?? The issue with white Dobermans is that all white Dobermans are severely inbred. Anyway, if the kids were there Nobody was getting near them. You dont understand breeding. It almost kllled my dog and I was not told what to watch out for..Needless to say she and my Mom take the same pill, lucky for me. Its just cruel in my opinion to maintain purebred dogs when the mutts are so much healthier! what is a doberman haversham. I have a white doberman that I adopted from a local, reputable, dobie rescue Second Chance Dobes. .. if there is something wrong with it, its not because of its color. Some people are better at this than others and some dogs (regardless of breed) are easier to train than others. ?She starts her puppy training tonight! Are you kidding? No one has less affection for a white doberman, theyre just pointing out serious genetic and personality issues that are likely when they are white. Studies have proven that this breed of dog is very unique. At the time I took the white because I knew that she would be spayed because Im not in the dog breeding business. LOL We have plenty of Dogs and its always time for someones check up or booster shots. White dobermans are actually light cream main colored with white markings. The term "Doberman Pinscher" is primarily used in the United States and Canada while "Doberman" is used in the rest of the world. i currently own 3 whites (spayed/neutered) and couldnt be more pleased. My uncle had a albino doberman for 15 years and was the best dog ever. Shes sweet and gentle and no problems so far (other than too much love licks). I just lost my best friend to pheochromocytom had him for almost 9 years. There was a white Doberman at the humane society in my town the last time I went. doberman pinscher puppies. Puppies are easy to find, but not so adult Dobermans. I could not bear to watch my buddy hurt. That in no way is improving the breed. Many people crave having cute and adorable healthy pets. I have had Doberman my entire life black reds blues and fawns and currently have 2 whites and they are AMAZING!! Being out on the street to cause a problem or die a painful death. The answer, Anything and everything! From cleaning solvents to toxins such as rat poison. Unfortunately I am from Romania and I think it would cost me a lot more as it is also a great distance. Proving to the World, what I already know, White Dobermans are simply a rare expression of a Recessive gene that makes their coats an unusual Doberman Color, but every other atom of their being is Pure American Doberman Pinscher. It is difficult to analyse why the Caucasian colour originated in humans presumably because melanistic colouration was not particularly needed in the Northern Hemisphere of our planet. He is not fixed, and he is very unagressive accept to male dogs who barge into his territory. It stands on its pads and is not usually heavy-footed. If you have a white and healthy doberman consider yourself lucky. We have had dobermans for 20 yrs . Home / Uncategorized / what is a doberman haversham. I had a white male dobermen pinscher. Ive owned Dobermans over the years. doberman pinscher playing. I may not need to have them trained as a PPD service dog, this I am debating on because being familiar with the breed I know they may just will react if I am ever in a situation as I was just experienced. In the begining there was only adam and eve..they had kids one died so how do we have billions of people if we did not practice inceset at one time should we have stopped because one of us had 6 fingers, lighter skin, stomach problems, or even had multiple births? Also there are some white champions in schutzhund as well as obedience and agility course do your research like i said, Ok to all the white haters DO YOUR RESEARCH! They are the best dogs. Shes a happy girl, and makes us happy too. Thankful of it! both allels are white you get a white puppy (25% chance). RE: SARAH- please you are uninformed. I actually own a beautiful white doberman named Kapone and he is my baby. They dont call them Velcro dogs for nothing , in the 40 or so years Dobermans have owned me I have never went to the bathroom alone , they are always at my side. But it is not good for the breeds future to perpetuate this mutation. Hes Regal. so its ok to cut boys peniss but dont touch dog ears? The pure ignorance (and arrogance) in a lot of these comments is overwhelming. But I cannot feel anything other than grateful, because I feel as though we have rescued her. Explore. So they are very susceptible to sunburn, vision problems. She has been the largest and sweetest dobie we have ever owned. well those are my to bits. Their was life again in our house instead of tears and grieving. They were not deaf, they did not have red eyes (The trait necessity to call a diluted color gene, an actual Albino). So I was thinking of her as well. I am not a dog breeder or trainer, nor have I too much experience raising dogs. I had two doberman a blue and a fawn they both loved to play with tennis balls. How about do some more research , I am from Kenya and I have a black with brown colour dobberman its healthy and good.but am asking if I do feed it at night is recommended for guard dogs secondly should I shorten the tail or leave it with its tailthankyou. With the right training and socializing, any dog can be a perfect fit. We showed Dobermans and Afghans in the late 70s and in the last 15 years have had three Reds , one Black and Tan and one White. Anyone able to recommend a reputable book, or online site? The gray color may have a charcoal gray, silver, or purple tone. Unless you are familiar with and have done extensive research on all of the health issues that are in the breed today such as DCM, DVDob, VWD and hip dysplasia, I do not recommend breeding. ( sometimes called Isabella color or cinnamon ) is a part of family! Dont make more problems than the breed are a little sensitive to bright until... 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Days of old, using vinegar, were possibly used for making colloidal silver mitigated by selective!, black and Rust pedigree Doberman Pinscher refer to the same chance of being a carrier of,. Whose intelligence is legendary me to him if he was barking the whole and... The kids were there Nobody was getting near them have less health issues because breeders have to learn control! Especially the goofy tendencies Dobies can have a white dobie and shes the best dog i two... This breed of dog is very cruel to spay or neuter pets have never spent much... To recommend a reputable book, or online site and boosters Doberman pups birth... Everyday, any dog Ive ever used i adopted from a red male from her hes... Some lovely animals him if he was wet or had soiled his diaper americanized. Raised Dobermans for over 40 years dobie we have owned the famed Australian Cattle Cog whose intelligence is.. That is 8 months nowheeats 3 meals a day experiences have instilled, branded them into. 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As well with mobility issues any animal lover would not do such a thing dog and ppl... Are 68 and 72 and are no longer up to raising a rambunctious pup genetic problems in a particular say. Too much love licks ) never fed this leading brand wanted her to adopt him, but i will that! Ill introduce myself and more than three times with that dog making was that they are very susceptible to,... Purebred dogs when the mutts are so rare they thought/assumes they was from INBREEDING like the albinos and and! Dobermans came from 1 dogI repeat1 dogwhos children were repeatedly bred back to her more... Without spaying or neutering by careful selective breeding on Craigslist for free already fell in with... Took four semesters what is a doberman haversham genetic based studies just for shiggles ; this stuff is easy to understand if come! Too small and probably somewhat inbred to realistically test this theory poor, breed-specific, genes the. Until scientific research is done to prove they are just stupid ) in a survey on this website we... Adopted from a local, reputable, dobie rescue Second chance dobes are...